Wednesday, October 28, 2009

DEBASISH PODDER, the renowned artist of this genre

.........In the context of contemporary modernism in Indian art, Debasish Podder belongs to a genre of painting that reached its pinnacle in this new age. He has achieved many remarkable awards and his works are brought by collectors In India & abroad.

His versatility comes somewhat from the assorted resources he works with and partly from the suppleness and encrusted richness of his visual language. The consummate ease with which he does this today is almost phenomenal but it is the outcome of long years of enquiry as an artist into the syntactical structure of representational convention. His drawing and painting, however, do not bear that imprint of style. Nor are they suggestive of any association with any other familiar art genus. Being a self skilled artist, he has made his individual stylization of his art and that makes his painting exclusive.

Woman, Imagination, Nature, Dreams, Anticipation have added to his paintings poetry . Search after search Debasish has delved deep into his finger senses to visualize these on the canvas, to bequeath an artistic interpretation. In his artistic elucidation, there is passion. There is also extreme restiveness, which often shelter the illusion of peace & happiness. Above all, his paintings instance to instance, brings alive the poet in his art.

Honorable Member of

1. ‘ World Art Society’(Kolkata Unit)

2. Indian National Forum of Art & Culture( INFAC), Kolkata

3. Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata

4. ‘Shilpa Bhabna’ art org., Kolkata

5. ‘Sristi’art org., Kolkata

6. ‘ Artivisual’ Art Gallery, Kolkata (founder member)

7. ‘ Inner space ‘group( founder member)

Solo Exhibition

1. Subhas Institute Hall, Kolkata in 2003,2005

2. Kolkata Information Centre, Kolkata in 2002, 2006

3. Tribeni Art gallery, Delhi 2006


1. Annual Exhibition of Birla Academy, Kolkata in 2003, 2004 & 2005

2. Annual Exhibition of Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata in 2003

3. Exhibition of Kolkata Information Centre, Kolkata in 2003,2004 & 2005

4. Annual Exhibition of INFAC at Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata in 2007 & 2008

5. ‘Confluence’ an art exhibition of the artists of Bengal & northern India , organized by ‘Shatak Ekush’ & ‘Ri Tinrai’ in association with Govt. of Meghalaya in 2008 in Shillong.

6 . ‘Uncharted Realm of Hue’ an art exhibition of the artists of India & Middle East at ‘Mondo Arte’ in the ‘Mall of Emirates’, Al Borsha, Dubai 1n 2008 organized & exhibited by ‘Art Online Home’ ( an online gallery)

7. 'Effloresce’ an exhibition organized by the ‘Red Dot’ art gallery, Delhi in 2009

8. ‘Chhobir Sathe Sahobas’ an exhibition organized & sponsored by ‘Kalpanirjhar’ org. & curetted by eminent film director & art connoisseur Mr. Sandip Roy on the ship ‘M.V.Paramhansam’ in 2009 on the river ‘Ganges’ in Kolkata

9. ‘Confluence’(II) an art exhibition of the artists of Bengal & Northern India , organized by ‘Shatak Ekush’ & ‘Ri Tinrai’ in ‘Academy of Fine Arts’ in Kolkata in 2009 in.

10. An exhibition of paintings at ‘Bangomela’ in America ( Florida, Atlanta) in 2009

Group Exhibition

1. Chemould Art Gallery, Kolkata in 2002, 2004 (by ‘Inner space’ group) ,2005,2007 (exhibited by Kalpanirjhar org. & curated by eminent Film Director Mr. Sandip Roy) & 2008 ( twice, [1] organized by ‘Kalpanirjhar’ & [2] ‘Shatak Ekush’ respectively)

2. Birla Academy of Art & Culture, Kolkata in 2003 ( by ‘Inner space’ group)

3. Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata in 2003, 2004, 2005 & 2007 (by ‘Inner space’ group)

4. Lalit Kala Academy, Delhi in 2004, 2005 & 2006 (by ‘Inner space’ group)

5. Kolkata Information Centre, Kolkata in 2002, 2005, 2006 & 2007

6. Artist Circle Art Gallery, organized by ‘Shatak Ekush’ in kolkata in 2007 (twice) & in 2009

7. Subhas Institute Hall, Kolkata in 2003, & 2007 ( sponsored)

8. Lalit Kala Academy, Chennai in 2003 (by ‘Inner space’ group)

9. Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai in 2004 (by ‘Inner space’ group)

10. Tribeni Auditorium, Delhi in 2007

11. Chitra Kala Parisad, Bangalore in 2005, 2006 & 2007 (by ‘Inner space’ group)

12. Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre in 2007 ( sponsored by Indian National Forum of Art and Culture & Ministry of Culture, Govt of India)

13. Bangladesh Deputy High Commission, in 2007 ( sponsored by Govt. of Bangladesh) in Kolkata(India) & Dhaka (Bangladesh)

14. Gallery Art Rendezvous, Bangkok in 2007 ( organized & sponsored by ‘Global Art Collectors’)

15. Gallery Art Line, Kolkata in 2007

16. Shilpi Art Gallery, Kolkata in 2007

17. Gallery 54, Chandigarh & Ludhiana in Panjab in 2007 & 2008 (sponsored by Rassa International Organisation)

18. Village Gallery, Delhi in 2007 & 2008 ( sponsored)

19. Gallery ‘ Arti Visual’, Kolkata by ‘Inner space’ group in association with W.A.S.( World Art Society) in 2008

20. ‘Goi art’ gallery, New York, U.S.A. in 2008

21. ‘Satchi’ art gallery, London, England in 2008

22. ‘Team Gallery One’ art gallery, New Delhi, India in 2008

Exhibition in 'Internet'

Please search at ‘Google’ typing ‘Debasish Podder’ or ‘Debasish Podder, artist’


( More than 30 nos. of workshop such as-)

1. ‘Nodir Sathe Dekha’, organized by Sea Exporters’ Institute, kolkata in 2008

2. organized by INFAC and Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India and Camlin Co. in Kolkata in 2006 & 2007

3. ‘Hope of Light’ by ‘Seva’ and ‘UTI Bank’ in Kolkata and Shilchar, Assam in 2007

4. O rganized by Kolkata Information Centre, Kolkata in 2007, 2005 & 2004

5. Organized by ‘World Art Society’, Kolkata in 2006, 2005 & 2004

6. Organized by ‘CRY’, an NGO in Kolkata in 2006

7. ‘Dancing Hues’(an workshop to care orphans) organized by ‘Seva’, an NGO in Darjeeling in 2006

8. Organized by ‘Senjuti art org., Kolkata in 2006 & 2005

9. Organized by ‘Art to Save Khoai’ at Shantiniketan, West Bengal in 2007

10. Organized by ‘Kalpanirjhar’, Kolkata on a ship, M.V. Paramhansam in 2007

Paintings are in collection

Delhi, Haryana, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Chandigarh, Chennai, Bangalore etc.(in India)

Japan, U.K, Singapore, Thailand, USA, Bangladesh (in abroad)

Corporate Houses and Private Collectors

Gallery Collections

1. ‘Goi art’ gallery, New York, U.S.A.

2. ‘Saatchi’ art gallery, London, U.K.

3. Gallery ‘Gallery Art Rendezvous’, Bangkok, Thailand

4. Gallery ‘Krishna’s Collection’, Delhi, India

5. Gallery ‘ Village’, Delhi, India

6. Gallery ‘Karma’, Kolkata, west Bengal , India

7. Gallery ‘Paramhansam’, Kolkata, west Bengal , India

8. Gallery ‘ Artivisual’, Kolkata, west Bengal , India

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